Forestdale Heights Lodge

Good & Welfare is now Milestones. The following lodge members are celebrating this month. If you have any news you would like to share, please send it to us. As well, we are currently updating our records. If you have never submitted your birthday and anniversary to Kol Echad, please send in via e-mail to Kol Echad Milestones.

Birthday Graphics

Happy Birthday!

  • Ira Kuchinsky - July 28
  • Lisa Rosen - July 30
  • Marilyn Arkin - August 10
  • Stan Zeliger - August 19

Anniversary Graphics

    Happy Anniversary
  • Ivan & Elizabeth Bloom - June 27
  • Marc & Anna Pollock - June 29
  • Michael & Carol Pacter - July 2
  • Albert & Honey Ohana - August 15
  • Stan & Janet Zeliger - August 16
  • Stewart & Cathy Indig - August 23

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Forestdale Heights wishes a speedy recovery to Marilyn Arkin.

Website designed & maintained by Jeff Rosen