Forestdale Heights Lodge
March 2024 Meeting

Members of Forestdale Heights reunited on Tuesday, March 12, after a lengthy winter break as we held our first meeting of the year on Zoom.

As well as Lodge co-presidents Ruth Pupko and Debbi Silver, the latter who chaired the meeting, those in attendance included Zoom moderator Stewart Indig, Albert Ohana, Ray & Rosalie Moscoe, Carl Zeliger and Jeff & Lisa Rosen. Rosalie confirmed that she had sent a card to Marilyn Arkin, who had been hospitalized for several weeks this winter. Debbi reported that her brother-in-law, Bob Botkin, passed away on March 5.

Stewart discussed the upcoming Toronto Marathon, set for May 5, and said anyone interested in participating should contact him. I reported on the state of Kol Echad, letting members know we had our most successful Passover greetings campaign.

Members also agreed that we should have a summer BBQ, as it is part of our Lodge tradition.

The Lodge also approved a donation to NCJW for their Pesach Parcel Program. The key item on the meeting’s agenda was to discuss allocations. After much discussion, it was agreed that with everything happening in the Jewish world, we should all look into what charities we feel should receive funds and report back to our co-presidents, who would then compile a list. The final amounts will be discussed and approved at the next meeting.

It was decided that we would meet next on April 9 to finalize allocations, as well as other important Lodge matters.

Jeff Rosen

Website designed & maintained by Jeff Rosen