Forestdale Heights Lodge
President's Pen
Ruth Pupko
Ruth Pupko

I can’t believe the High Holidays are right around the corner; I was at No Frills yesterday, and the honey jars were displayed right in front of the kosher section! The week goes by so quickly, and before you know it, it is Shabbat once again.  

We had no meetings this summer except for our annual summer BBQ, which was hosted by Stewart and Cathy Indig. Thank you for a lovely night. We definitely missed the members who could not make it. We will work hard to find a suitable date for our annual Chanukah party, so ALL members can attend.  

Sincere condolences to Marilyn and her family on the loss of her beloved husband and father. Eddie was a gentle soul, and his contribution to the Lodge will be missed. We will always remember and value his friendship. 

We don’t have a lot of members due to different circumstances, such as aging, passing away, etc., but we are still steering the ship. We will discuss the Lodge’s future and the best direction moving forward at the September meeting. This will take a lot of thinking and pondering so that all our ideas and input will be discussed at future meetings. The best ships are friendships, and may they always be.

Let us pray for good health and peace all over the world and a special prayer for our brothers and sisters in Israel. 

Shanah Tovah!


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